While i guess a family bond survives even Death. While MIA was conducting the Peterborough investigation, we encountered what we believe was an entity of a child whose name was Johnathan. This was one of many entities in the home that night. Anyhow - when Jason and Mike asked what it was looking for, it answered DAD. This is one of clearest EVPs that i have heard.
Check it out:
We were conducting energy work in the upstairs bedroom. Our client told us that he had been on the computer and using a web cam. He told us his friends told him that they could see ORBS flying around the room. That was one of the claims and why we decided to check out the room.
Well the night camera did pick up ORBS. I was surprised at how many were flying around. You can see them for yourself. Sorry about the small video. MIA is working on obtaining better video equipment. Anyhow -- this gives you an idea:
This is the same roon where we did pick up one of serveral EVPs that told us to GET OUT. see the previous blog.
TIP - when watching on You Tube - it helps to set the screen to full screen.
Here is some evidence -- this is one of our EVPs from the Peterborough investigation. If you listen closely, you can hear the entity say GET OUT:
Here are the words from one of our lead investigators - Mike - regarding the Peterborough investigation. The entity was angry at me for not leaving (i guess from what Mike says - I reminded it of someone it knew). Great - even the dead are saying that I remind them of someone.
Anyhow - here is Mike's recap.
PS - we will be posting more content in the coming weeks as we work on our brand new site. Its on schedule for a summer launch.
This is the first MIA BLOG. We just completed an investigation in Peterborough Ont where we all had personnal experiences. We are a team of investigators who are seeking whether paranormal activity (as we all see on TV) is real. We are documenting all of our investigations and will be launching our site later this summer. We are going to work hard to bring one of the most engaging sites in the world on this subject matter.