MIA Paranormal investigates the Legendary Cornwall Jail

On Sun November 13, 2011, MIA Paranormal investigated the Cornwall Jail, which is suppose to be one of the most haunted locations in eastern Canada.

All MIA members had personal experiences, including hearing dis-embodied voices, hearing footsteps, and feeling cold spots.  Here is a good pic of the team doing this investigation.

We have just started reviewing the evidence - and so far - we are not disappointed. We have captured some interesting pics - like the one below - which shows Jason surrounded by energy:

We are also starting to find some very cool EVPs. This may turnout to be one of our most active investigations with respect to EVPS.

This is the video that i was talking about. (If kids are around - do not let them listen to this.) I was trying to provoke the entity and called it a chicken. It responded by saying "F%^& YOU".

In this Clip -- you can hear the entity say "No MORE QUESTIONS" in response to Jason asking a question:

Here is an EVP that answers NO to a question that Jason asks -- check it out:

In this EVP -- JASON is told to GET OUT while performing an EVP Session.
We will post more evidence here as we find it. Also - our full investigation -- including the claims at the Jail - will be posted in later NOV at: www.miaparanormal.com.

Here is a new video contains some new EVPs - you can hear a conversion that Jason has with an entity.

Malice Cooper Interview
Hear the latest Malice Cooper/MIA Paranormal interview. In this interview, you can hear a discussion about the Cornwall Jail investigation:

MIA Team

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