Customer Testimonial (looking forward to more)

He told me everything that he could remember regarding the night's events.

I hope today each and everyone of your team including yourself are still pumped.
To be able to use the individual gifts of each team member and to make or be part of the unexpected must be a phenomenal feeling.

For Mike to know he had the Power of God working with him was so good for him to carry out and get the results he knew that had to be taken care of right then.

Three things I am so grateful and excited about are:

1. You helped some souls to go home to where they were suppose to be.
Imagine 91 years trapped and unable to ever see a way out. { I know from what I read there is not such thing as time on the other side as we know it here } You guys made it happen. You gotta feel great about that. Puts a whole new meaning on team work doesn't it? lol

2. To hear that all your research, beliefs and respect of the paranormal,  proved to be proof of  capabilities of  Mia-agency as a Team.  I Love it.

3. For Harry to of been able to be part of the actual investigation and being invited to sit in during dead time with the team will forever make an imprint.
In a indirect way I like to feel that Harry and I played a part of  Jonathan, his Mom and Ed to be able to finally Cross Over. (someone or something was guiding us to look further into things) Yahoo!

Be hearing from you soon.

Here's wishing You and the Team nothing but the best in all your endeavors.

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